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March 30, 2020 / by Dale Burgess / In security

Handwashing won’t help your cyber hygiene, but we can

Cyber hygiene

Earlier this month, the World Economic Forum (WEF) published a cybersecurity report stressing the importance of prioritising heightened cybersecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The report asserts that businesses are more vulnerable than ever and points to three reasons robust cybersecurity measures are key to weathering the coronavirus crisis:

  1. A heightened dependency on digital infrastructure raises the cost of failure.

  2. Cybercriminals exploit fear and uncertainty.

  3. More time online could lead to riskier behaviour.

As we’ve all seen, tackling the pandemic requires radical change to our social habits and routines to slow the rate of infection. Likewise, changing our online behaviour will be key to maintaining advanced cybersecurity and keeping our businesses safe and healthy.

The WEF suggests three practical actions companies can take to remain safe online:

  1. Step up your cyber-hygiene standards.

  2. Be extra-vigilant on verification.

  3. Follow official updates.

Helping to stop the spread of dangerous viruses – both physically and online – now falls on everyone’s shoulders. Organisations have an obligation to themselves and to their stakeholders to do their part.

Tikabu is fighting this virus on the digital frontlines. Do you have quick and reportable visibility into your cybersecurity posture? Contact us if you don’t have a central, single source of truth across your IT and security-management tools.

Read the full WEF article here: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/coronavirus-pandemic-cybersecurity/